It is no longer breaking news that we need to grow more food to be able to feed a rapidly growing world population. We’re also aware that the climate is changing, the soils are degrading, and nutrient contents in crops are drastically reduced.
Fresh air, clean water, plentiful crops, and a bright future for all - that is the dream.
Envirom’s products cannot promise all this, but we can promise increased yield at a reduced input cost to the farmer, improved soil quality and increased nutrient content in the plants.
Less input + more growth = increased profitability for the farmer and a more sustainable food production

Our ambition is to help grow an optimum amount of food in ways that are also beneficial to the environment, we believe we can positively contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals of eradicating poverty and hunger, reversing climate change and restore the soil.
For accountability, in 2021 Envirom joined the UN Global Compact, where the company pledged to work in accordance with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, and the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact based on human rights, labour rights, the protection of the environment and anti – corruption. Envirom’s aim is to have a principle – based approach in all aspects of the business.
The principles and guidelines set out in our policies are derived from the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact which reflect our aim of respecting labour laws and standards as laid out in the United Nations Guiding Principles. The overarching guideline are compiled in the Labour Policy, Labour & Human Rights Risk Assessment, and the Code of Conduct.

Climate Change
Envirom products allows farmers to drastically reduce their expenditure on conventional fertilizers by up to 50% without compromising without compromising on yield or quality

Carbon Emissions
Agriculture accounts for 11% of the world’s total greenhouse gas emissions - with chemical fertilizers responsible for 17% of these emissions.
In comparison, the production of Envirom CBX requires very little energy. Only a small amount of electricity is used to blend the product as most of the energy needed comes from direct sunlight and heat in the Arizona desert. The result of our unique production process is virtually zero in CO2 - emissions

Water savings
Agriculture uses 70% of the world’s accessible freshwater. Our regenerative biofertilizers reduce water usage by up to 40 %.